Grilled Romaine Salad with Corn and Avocado | culture: the word on cheese
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Grilled Romaine Salad with Corn and Avocado

Grilled Romaine Salad with Corn and Avocado

A few minutes on the grill will transform the lettuce into a soft, smoky bed for sweet corn and lush avocado.
Servings 4




  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 small garlic clove peeled and finely grated
  • ¼ teaspoon cumin seeds toasted and ground
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup grapeseed or canola oil


  • 2 ears of corn husks and silk removed
  • 1 avocado
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt plus more to taste
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper plus more to taste
  • 1 head romaine lettuce halved lengthwise
  • Extra-virgin olive oil for grilling
  • ¼ cup shaved Sartori Cheese SarVecchio Parmesan use a vegetable peeeler




    • Combine the first 7 ingredients in a large jar with a lid. Cover and shake until well combined. Remove cover, add oils, cover again, and shake vigorously until well combined.


    • Light a gas or charcoal grill to high heat. When hot, add corn and cook on all sides until some kernels have started to blacken, 5 to 8 minutes. Remove corn from the grill to cool. Cut kernels off the cob and place in a medium bowl.
    • Halve and pit avocado, then scoop flesh from the peel and dice. Add diced avocado, salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoon of dressing to the bowl with the corn, stirring gently to combine. Set aside.
    • Drizzle the cut side of both romaine halves with about 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Grill romaine, cut side down, for 1 to 2 minutes. Flip, and cook for an additional 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cut off root ends, and place cut side up on a serving platter or bowl.
    • Drizzle romaine with about ¼ cup of the dressing and top with corn-avocado mixture and shaved SarVecchio. Drizzle with additional dressing and serve (you’ll have leftover dressing).

    Photographed by Brian Samuels

    Barry Maiden

    Barry Maiden is the former chef and proprietor of Hungry Mother and State Park. He's looking ahead to his next venture.
