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Take a Peep At This

Peeps-flavored Milk

Do you hear the people sing, singing about the announcement of Peeps-flavored milk?

The announcement was just made by Prairie Farms and Peeps a couple days ago but social media has already exploded with resounding joy and tentative plans to visit the dentist for cavity fillings.

The milk comes in three flavors: Marshmallow Milk, Chocolate Marshmallow Milk, and Easter Egg Nog. The decadence of those flavors does come with a cost. Each cup contains 37 grams of sugar, as opposed to the 12 grams of sugar present in each cup of Prairie Farms whole milk. It also contains double the amount of sodium as a glass of whole milk, weighing in at 320 mg per cup.

The makers of this rich product assert that when enjoyed in sensible serving sizes, the milk is nothing to feel to guilty about.

“We view our Prairie Farms Peeps milk as a treat and is still packed with 9 essential nutrients and 8 grams of protein,” a Peeps spokeswoman told ABC News. “Although it contains added sugar, 11 grams are found naturally from the lactose in milk.”

The Easter Egg Nog flavor also contains 15 percent of your daily calcium requirement. Maybe that doesn’t count for much against 250 calories a glass, but everything delicious has a price and even that goes down if consumed in moderation.

The product hits shelves just in time for the Easter season, a prime time for Peeps. “Peeps marshmallow is an iconic symbol of Easter and springtime, but enjoyment of the product extends well beyond eating the cute treats,” said Peeps senior brand manager Noelle Porcoro in a statement. To further promote the product, Peeps is launching a recipe contest utilizing at least one Prairie Farms product and one Peeps marshmallow confection from March 9 to April 5.

Apparently the idea for this launch has been in the works for a while.

“We worked with Just Born Quality Confections, manufacturer of Peeps candies, to develop custom flavor formulations for the milk,” Rebecca Leinenbach, vice president of marketing and communications at Prairie Farms, said in an email to the LA Times. “There aren’t any Peeps marshmallows in the milk but the milk flavors do taste similar to Peeps marshmallow candy counterparts.”

I’ll let all of you be the judge of that last statement. Unfortunately, the promotional Peep products will only be available in the Midwest, but I have a feeling this won’t be the end of sugar-laced milk.

My hat off to you, Peeps and Prairie Farms. You dared to go where dairy has never gone before.

Feature Photo Credit: Prairie Farms

Jacqueline Roman

Jacqueline Roman is an Emerson student in Boston who never misses an opportunity to make a cheese pun and utilizes her social media accounts to post pictures of her pride and joy: cheeseboards. She has other interests but does not brie-lieve they are as gouda.