Pitch | culture: the word on cheese
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Want to write for culture?

It’s no surprise, but we at culture receive far more story pitches than we’re ever able to assign. Hey, we’re not complaining! It’s great to constantly receive new ideas and options for the magazine, even if it means we also need to complete the less-fun task of turning down would-be contributors.

Pitches usually come from writers, but they also are sent by people who are on the producing/sales end of things: cheesemakers, consultants, retail sales managers, publicists. It doesn’t really matter who sends in a pitch, so don’t be shy; if it’s a great idea, we’ll be sure to follow up on it.

If you’d like to get your story into print in culture, here are a few tips for submitting a successful pitch:

  • Do your research. Get to know us (you know, by reading our magazine, checking out our website, scoping out our social media platforms, reading our newsletters) before sending in your pitch. It sounds obvious, but not everyone who pitches to us has done this essential background work. Prior research is also important in order to make sure we haven’t already covered your topic.
  • Be clear and concise. The more simple and direct you can be with your pitch, the better. Make sure to let us know about all of the relevant information (the typical who, what, where, when, why and how), but try to distill it into a single paragraph or two.
  • Leave us hanging! Above all, your pitch should leave us dying to know more. Something in your pitch should stop us in our tracks and make us wonder, “How come we didn’t know about that?” and “How can we get this in the magazine?!” We know: Not all topics are breathtakingly fascinating or exciting. But we’re in the business of telling stories, so the more intriguing and/or attention-grabbing, the better.
  • Send your pitch to editor Mallory Scyphers, here.