Experts Find Cheese Doesn't Increase Risk of Heart Attacks | culture: the word on cheese
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Experts Find Cheese Doesn’t Increase Risk of Heart Attacks

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It’s no secret dairy products such as cheese, butter, and cream contain saturated fats. In recent years, these types of foods have been blamed for raising the risk of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. But now, some scientists are saying our favorite milk-based goods may not be as harmful as we think.

In a report published in the European Journal of Epidemiology, researchers concluded that dairy products don’t increase the chances of a heart attack or a stroke. The panel analyzed 29 studies from the past 35 years involving nearly 1 million test subjects, and they couldn’t find any associations between consuming dairy (both high- and low-fat) and mortality, coronary heart disease, or cardiovascular disease. 

“There’s quite a widespread but mistaken belief among the public that dairy products in general can be bad for you, but that’s a misconception,” researcher and Reading University food nutrition professor Ian Givens told The Guardian. “While it is a widely held belief, our research shows that that’s wrong.”

Study co-author Julie Lovegrove tells Newsweek that this study proves dairy “can be part of a healthy, balanced diet” and that more research now needs to be done to discover dairy’s impacts on health. 

This news follows other recent studies that link health benefits to cheese. Scientists in Ireland found that eating curds doesn’t raise cholesterol, while a chemical compound in aged wheels could help extend longevity and lower the risk of liver disease. While this is great news for caseophiles, it’s probably wise to enjoy cheese in moderation, at least until more research is conducted and health organizations start changing their guidelines on saturated fats.

Feature Photo Credit: Tess Kelly

Alyssa Kim

Alyssa is culture's former Web Editor. Raised in Mass., she's excited to be back in her home state after six years of working in journalism and TV production in NYC.