Mary Quicke for culture: the word on cheese
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Mary Quicke is the daughter of Sir John Quicke and his wife Prue, who built Quicke's Dairy over 25 years ago. Mary produces outstanding cheese and writes Mary's Dairy Diary.

Mary Quicke’s Dairy Diary: February

Find out what’s happening this month on Mary Quicke’s farm in Devon, England, where she and the team make Quicke’s Traditional Clothbound Cheddar.

Mary Quicke’s Dairy Diary: January

Find out what’s happening this month on Mary Quicke’s farm in Devon, England, where she and the team make Quicke’s Traditional Clothbound Cheddar

Mary’s Dairy Diary August 2014

Find out what’s happening this month on Mary Quicke’s dairy farm

Mary’s Dairy Diary July 2013

The summer is slowly cranking up – we are past the longest day. The mad rush of spring catching up on lost time after our extended winter – everything from March to June happening at once – has quieted. Now we want the sedate and orderly progression of seasons. As farmers, we are so reliant […]

Mary’s Dairy Diary May 2013

The miracle of spring is here in May. The farm had a bleak and wintry look through to the end of April, every bit of our 52 degrees north of latitude – we are as far north as Newfoundland. Buds burst into a blasting cold gale, the grass shrivelled into purple bonsai, all the right […]

Mary’s Dairy Diary April 2013

The end of our long winter? The bitter sting in the winter’s tail last month makes the sweet weather of April all the more gorgeous. The late spring has the plants seem prescient – primroses, bluebells, blackthorn seemed to hold back their flowering, waiting till after the frost, only to come with a rush when […]

Mary’s Dairy Diary February 2013

February has a reputation for being wet and gloomy. I long for it not be that way, and grasp at the lighter mornings and evenings. The sun does more than scrape itself off the horizon. The morning chorus of songbirds kicked off earlier in the season than I remember. I know it’s birds defending territory, […]

Mary’s Dairy Diary January 2013

The days slowly lengthen, the sun creeps a little higher at noon and wider at dawn and dusk. The dark mornings have me slow to wake, the dark evenings tricksy – is it six or midnight? I drove my car one dark evening along a lane, came to water over the road. In the dark […]