Bacon Double Cheeseburger Grilled Cheese Sandwich | culture: the word on cheese
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Bacon Double Cheeseburger Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Grilled Cheese Month is the perfect opportunity to go overboard with cheese sandwich creativity, and this recipe does just that.

Is it a grilled cheese, a patty melt, or a bacon cheeseburger? Does it really matter? With crispy bacon bits, seasoned beef, and double cheese, it can call itself whatever it wants, as long as it’s on my griddle immediately. The idea here is to include all of the flavors of a mouthwatering bacon double cheese burger in grilled cheese form. I have to say that these are one of my new favourite grilled cheese sandwiches and they taste just like a bacon double cheese burger, only better!

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Photo by Kevin Lynch

Jesi Dunaway

Jesi Dunaway is an Alabama native currently working as a cheesemonger and food writer in Boston.