Rogue River Blue + Elvis’ Christmas Album (Elvis Presley)
Like Elvis’ holiday album, this blue wheel from Oregon is a seasonal classic. “The super short season of Rogue River Blue makes it a crime to omit it on your party platter,” says Wright.
Raclette + ABBA Gold (ABBA)
What do ABBA’s best-selling album and a melted Alpine cheese have in common? They both instantly bring the party. “Spin ABBA’s greatest at your raclette dinner and watch everybody break out in song,” Wright says.
Uplands Cheese Rush Creek Reserve + Starboy (The Weeknd)
Like the smooth downtempo tracks from The Weeknd, this gooey bark-wrapped disk from Wisconsin can either “amp up the party or set the mood when you’re snowed in with that special someone.”
Wilde Weide Gouda + Fleet Foxes (Fleet Foxes)
When it comes to hangovers, Wright says, “this season gets real.” Nurse your headache with a morning-after remedy combining the “gentle harmonies of Fleet Foxes and the salty stylings of this perfectly aged gouda.”
Baked brie + Warmer in the Winter (Lindsay Sterling)
“If Lindsey Sterling can release a successful violin album in this decade,” Wright says, “you can definitely try a bold new topping on your baked brie.