This post is part of a series promoting delicious Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and Parmigiano Reggiano Night, a virtual global dinner party happening on October 25. For more information, please visit ParmigianoReggiano.com.
What would you do if you were given an entire wheel of authentic and delicious Parmigiano Reggiano? If it were me, I would grab my biggest knife and start hacking at it! But, in actuality the best way to open a Parmigiano wheel is to crack it open. Here is a great video by fellow curd nerds Channel Cheese that shows just how it’s done!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL6vP4eDmEQ]
Photo Credit: Featured image courtesy of thekitchen.comYou don’t have to break down entire wheels of Parmigiano to show your love for this cheese, though! If you love Parmigiano (and really, who doesn’t?), be sure to celebrate Parmigiano Reggiano Night on October 25 using the free Parmigiano Reggiano App. This app will allow you to be part of a global dinner party celebrating the king of cheese. Don’t miss out on the fun, sign up for the app right now!