In Queso You Missed It February 18th
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In Queso You Missed It February 18th

blue cheese cocktail

Have you been tuned into the Olympics? We sure have – and watching the world’s best athletes do all that work sure makes us hungry. Take a moment to decompress with some me-plus-cheese time.

Here’s all the cheesy news you might have missed this week:

  • Ever dreamed of cuddling a baby goat? Caromont Farms in Virginia is hosting snuggle sessions and their next one is February 24th. 
  • Artisan cheese is even making its way to Thailand – and they’re incorporating it into their cuisine. Now that’s a fusion we can get behind!
  • Valentine’s Day may be over, but we’re still going to dive into this cheesy chick flick pairing guide from Bon Appetit.
  • This British cheesemaker is training for a marathon by lifting blocks of cheese. That’s our kind of exercise.  
  • Curd your enthusiasm: a study finds that cheese and opioids have similar effects on the brain. But before you equate provolone and oxycodone you should read what this neuroscientist has to say.
  • These sausage pioneers take the classic breakfast sandwich to a whole new level giving new meaning to the phrase “daily grind.”
  • Do you have strong feelings about vegan cheese?  The editors at the Daily Mail do and they are not holding back.
  • Amid the drudge and sludge of February aren’t we all desperately seeking spring?  This beer cheese soup is just the ray of sunshine we need.
  • We don’t have to sugar coat it, sweet wines and savory foods are a match made in heaven.  Prolong the Valentine’s day cheer and show your honey just how sweet pairings can be!
  • Who knew Al Capone had a cheesy side? The infamous gangster exploited the dairy industry to make milk synonymous with mafia.
  • Blue cheese cocktails anyone?  No we aren’t muddling our words, this unlikely ingredient has mixologists over the moon.

Virginia White

Virginia White recently graduated Wellesley College with a degree in Classical Studies and a focus in printmaking. Taking her passion for Classics abroad, she loves anything made with authentic Greek feta or Italian mozzarella.

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