The application window for the 2017 Sartori Scholar competition has now closed. Winners will be notified by email on Friday, May 5. Thank you to everyone who applied!
Attention, aspiring ACS Certified Cheese Professionals®!
Sartori Cheese and culture magazine are sponsoring two lucky cheesemongers taking the ACS Certified Cheese Professional® (CCP) Exam at this summer’s ACS conference in Denver, Colo.! The winners will have all expenses paid, including travel to and from Denver, lodging for the duration of the conference, a ticket to the conference itself, and the ACS CCP Exam fee (alternatively, we’ll reimburse the fee if it’s already been paid).
This is a fantastic opportunity to move forward in your career and network with America’s top cheese professionals. Read on for the rules:
First, make sure you’re eligible and have already been formally accepted to take the ACS CCP Exam. Eligibility typically means working two years full-time in the cheese profession, but click here for all the details.
Second, you must live in the continental United States to be considered for the competition.
Third, complete the scholarship application—which can be downloaded here—and email it to web@culturecheesemag.com by Monday, May 1. You may also include an optional creative supplement (e.g., a video, a drawing, or a song) that requires no more than three minutes for the panel of judges to fully digest. Judges drawn from every corner of the cheese industry—including our very own Lassa Skinner!—will review your application.
Winners will be notified by email on Friday, May 5.
Good luck!
P.S. Keep an eye on your mail. Each applicant will receive a “good luck” treat from Sartori and culture magazine!
Can’t keep the excitement to yourself? Let your family, friends, fans, and followers know that you just applied to become the next Sartori Scholar!