In Queso You Missed It July 1st
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In Queso You Missed It July 1st

Cottage Cheese

Photo Credit: Cowgirl Creamery’s Instagram

Happy almost 4th of July, cheese lovers! This is a holiday for celebrating being an American and all the freedoms that we enjoy. You don’t have to choose between red wine or whitego ahead and have both! Cut wedge upon wedge of salty blue cheese and you’ve got all the red, white, and blue you need to have a freaking blast!

Here’s what you might have missed this week:

  • Last week, cheese thieves made off with over 25,000 pounds of Parmigiano in Serramazzoni, Italy. Clearly, I’m in the wrong profession.
  • This expert cheesemonger says that if a clothbound cheddar is shedding tears, you should be too.
  • A fan celebrates Switzerland’s #WorldCup victory by tossing a giant wheel of Swiss cheese towards the field ⚽ 
  • Is Britain in the midst of a Halloumi shortage? We’re feeling for our UK cheese lovers right now! 
  • Got Extra Milk? Hand it on over to this awesome non-profit in Philly that will turn it into cheeeeeese!
  • People are waiting 30 minutes in line for these Japanese cheese tarts – but are they worth it?
  • The trade war has officially oozed into the American cheese industry, and cheesemakers are bubbling over with frustration.
  • For the dairy industry, craft beer comes to the rescue. Story of my life.
  • Could cottage cheese be having a comeback? Anything is possible, but I’ll be the first to say I’m skeptical. 
  • France is kicking some serious derriere at the World Cup, and that might aaaaall be due to pounds of fresh Russian cheese.
  • Turns out mac and cheese dates way back to the 14th century. But that leftover mac and cheese in the back of your fridge? Toss it. It’s time.
  • The government has stockpiled over 1 billion pounds of cheese. We here at culture do not endorse cheese theft, but I mean … come on. What are their intentions with all that cheese? 

Sam Jones

Sam Jones is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Agriculture, Food, and Environment at Tufts University. She has worked on organic vegetable farms in France, Scotland, and Washington as well as on a chicken and pig farm in Colorado. She is passionate about telling farmers' stories and exploring the varied agricultural methods that go into making delicious cheese around the world.

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