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Articles written by Amanda Doughty

Amanda Doughty considers cheese to be an essential part of her upbringing, as her family owns Anthony's Italian Kitchen, an Italian restaurant in Portland, Maine. She studied creative writing at Emerson, where she was considered an outcast for refusing to touch the disgusting pizza in the Dining Hall. She admits that is a bit of a food snob, especially when it comes to pizza and cheese.

Deliverable Grilled Cheese: The Final Frontier

NASA has come up with a new way to keep grilled cheeses fresh for longer, possibly changing the way we eat this classic sandwich

The Top 15 Most Hilarious Cheese Names

Looking for a good laugh? Check out what we think are the most hilarious cheese names!

A Cheese-Lover’s Guide to Pumpkin Season

Get into the spirit of autumn and try these deliciously cheesy pumpkin recipes

India’s Growing Cheese Scene

Breaking away from the traditional paneer, cheesemakers across India are beginning to create European-style curds

A grilled cheese sandwich layered with High Road vanilla ice cream

10 Best Grilled Cheese Recipes

From savory to sweet to over the top, we’ve picked the top ten BEST grilled cheese recipes of all time and put them into one post

Pumpkins Stuffed with Fontina, Italian Sausage, and Macaroni

Extra-Cheesy Autumn Pasta Recipes

While we’re not thrilled that the weather is once again getting colder, we are excited about the chance to indulge in rich, warming extra-cheesy autumn pasta recipes

The Dos and Don’ts of Buying Cheese Online

Purchasing cheese online has opened doors for people without access to specialty cheeses. But there are risks involved — here’s how to avoid them