Molly McDonough
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Articles written by Molly McDonough

Former Senior Editor Molly McDonough worked for cheesemakers in Switzerland and the US before earning a Master's degree in Agriculture and Food Science at the Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture in Angers, France. After spending a year in Romania working on rural development projects with Heifer International, she returned home to Boston and joined the culture team in 2015.

Why Copper Vats Matter

Why are so many iconic aged cheeses made using copper vats?

Neville McNaughton at Baetje Farms in Bloomsdale, MO - April 24, 2017

Voicings: Dairy Consultant Neville McNaughton

Dairy consultant Neville McNaughton dishes on the cheese scene

ghost pepper jack cheese

Some Like It Hot: Feel the Burn with Spicy Cheeses

Cheese has become a vehicle for America’s infatuation with spice

A Matter of Taste: Detecting Nutty Notes in Curds

Why do we sense nutty flavors in cheese?


Know Your Nuts

Botany is full of surprises when it comes to our favorite shelled snacks

food trends

One Bite Ahead: What Makes a Food Trendy?

Can fondue stage a comeback? Food-trend life cycles reveal the fickle nature of our shared cravings

Nuts About Nuts: Your Guide to the Nutritious Snack

Nuts are packed with nutrients, compounds that protect against disease, and energy—often in the form of oil and heart-healthy fats.


The Great 28 Pairings: Cheese + Seaweed

Think beyond the Philadelphia roll—curds and seaweed make a great duo