Molly McDonough
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Articles written by Molly McDonough

Former Senior Editor Molly McDonough worked for cheesemakers in Switzerland and the US before earning a Master's degree in Agriculture and Food Science at the Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture in Angers, France. After spending a year in Romania working on rural development projects with Heifer International, she returned home to Boston and joined the culture team in 2015.

Cheese Styles: Traditional Swiss

In Switzerland, traditional cheesemaking serves many functions. Without the low-intensity, seasonal cow grazing that helps to regenerate and maintain them, these grasslands—hotspots of biodiversity— would begin to disappear.

Cheese Styles: French Goat

Photographed by Molly McDonough While giant cow’s milk wheels have taken center stage throughout history as the Savoie region’s most iconic cheeses, goat’s milk cheese has always been there, too, ducking the spotlight. Now, Savoyard goat cheese is coming into its own. A growing number of creative producers are turning out the firm and flavor-rich […]

Cheese Styles: Brie

Soft and curvy, with oozing, voluptuous love handles, Brie has enchanted poets and emperors for centuries.

Queso Without Borders: Who Really Makes the Milk?

What would the Vermont dairy industry look like without immigrants from Latin America?

Changing Tides on the Midcoast Maine Cheese Trail

Maine is becoming a mecca for small-batch cheeses—but you’ll have to travel to taste them. Discover the hidden gems of the area.

5 Japanese Cheesemakers You Need to Know

You make have never given a thought to Japanese cheese, but you should. These 5 cheesemakers are creating something unique and entirely their own.

Cheese Styles: Robiola

Soft, bloomy-rind robiola is one of the most ancient goat’s milk cheeses in Italy. And it’s getting an American makeover.

Cheese Glossary: Common Terms

Talk like a true turophile using these commonly used cheese terms.