ask the cheesemonger
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What is Buttermilk?

Get the full definition and history of buttermilk from cheesemonger Anthea Stolz.

What’s the Difference between Plastic-Wrapped and Cut-to-Order Cheese?

What (if anything) is lost in terms of quality, flavor, or texture when cheese is precut and sold wrapped in plastic?

Can I Ripen Cheese at Home?

If you are interested in ripening cheese at home, cheesemonger Emilianio Lee gives you the best techniques

Baetje Farm's Bloomsdale cheese, freshly made and coated in ash

Why Are Some Cheeses Coated in Ash?

Cheesemonger Emiliano Lee discusses why some cheeses are ash coated and what this outer coating does for the cheesemaking process.

What’s This Clear Liquid Seeping Out of My Hard Cheese?

Juliana Uruburu explains what the “liquid gold” is that comes from cutting hard cheeses.

Can I Eat Cheese if I’m Pregnant?

Eating cheese while pregnant is A-OK, according to cheesemonger Juliana Uruburu.

What Makes a Cheese Kosher?

Tim Gaddis talks about what makes cheese kosher and why there are so few artisanal kosher cheeses.

How Can I Learn about Artisan Cheese?

Cheesemonger Tim Gaddis leads the way to information on speciality cheeses.