10 Great American Artisanal Cheeses to Eat Now | culture: the word on cheese
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10 Great American Artisanal Cheeses to Eat Now

Blue Barden cheese

As you’re all aware, American artisan cheese has seen quite the boom in the past decade. So, what do you need to eat right now? Let the cheesemongers do the talking.

Because we count the search for and consumption of fantastic cheese among life’s greatest pleasures–and because we’re pretty sure many of you do, too–we asked five top cheesemongers and cheese pros from different pockets of the country to each recommend two American artisanal cheeses they are particularly excited about right now. Here are their picks, in all their grassy, milky, stinky, moussy, nutty, mushroomy glory…

See the list

Photo courtesy of Murray’s Cheese

Rebecca Haley-Park

Rebecca Haley-Park is culture's former editor and resident stinky cheese cheerleader. A native New Englander, she holds a BFA in creative writing from University of Maine at Farmington.