Celebrities & Cheese: An Infamous Pairing | culture: the word on cheese
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Celebrities & Cheese: An Infamous Pairing

Urgent report: Everything you thought you knew about cheese is wrong. That’s right, kick all your pre-existing cheese knowledge to the curb and take a lesson from Drake, the great cheese whiz-ard of our generation (or should we say, “the next generation,” for all you long-lost Degrassi fans out there?) It just so happens that this actor-turned-rapper is also a cheese enthusiast, and Drake honored the world with a slice of his knowledge in an Instagram post:

Apparently, you can change the flavor of a cheese by simply wearing a fedora and a purple bathrobe. Who knew?! There’s no need to import that fancy foreign stuff anymore; the US has plenty of American Singles laying around, just waiting to be magically transformed into “rare Brie.” Of course, some people remain skeptical of Drake’s revolutionary tasting techniques and have put the process to the test by experimenting with a wide variety of taste-testing hats. Results are inconclusive, but testing remains open for continued research if future budgeting allows for more trips to the costume store.

Drake isn’t the only celebrity who is a fromage fan. Over the years, A-Listers everywhere have publicly declared their love for cheese, and many have joined our culture-crazed ranks. Legendary British comedian Ricky Gervais said in an interview with Bon Appétit, “I’ve probably had – let’s see – two types of cheese today… The only reason I work out is to live longer so I can eat more cheese and drink more wine.”

In a more subtle statement, actress Anna Kendrick wore a solid gold noodle necklace – a gift sent to her by Kraft – after she voiced her adoration of macaroni and cheese. And finally, American funnyman Jim Gaffigan was brave enough to ask the one thing that is always on every cheese lover’s mind:

As much as we love celebrities, we love them even more when their names are made into cheesy puns. The unforgettable Tumblr blog, Cheese People, did a fantastic job of morphing the heads of famous stars into cheese. A few favorites include Chèvre Chase, Paris Stilton, The Provolone Ranger, and Nicolby Kidman. We promise we’re not laughing at you, Brie-oncé – we’re laughing with you.

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of cheesepeople.tumblr.com

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of cheesepeople.tumblr.com

 Photo Credit: Featured image courtesy of firstwefeast.com

Emily Dangler

Culture Intern Emily Dangler is a creative writer and travel enthusiast, who is always looking for a good story to tell. Originally a West Coast girl, Emily has spent several years migrating across the country and is currently an adopted resident of Boston, where she is enjoying the city's delicious food and rich history.