Move over, Tyra Banks – America has finally found its next top model. Throughout the meadows of New Moon Farm in Arlington, Washington, commercial photographer Kevin Horan discovered a flock of unlikely beauties: goats. Although it’s quite common for pet owners to take professional pictures of their furry friends, it’s not very often that farm animals get the same attention. And sure, after a long day of grazing and frolicking in the great (and muddy) outdoors, goats probably aren’t ready for their closeup, and certainly didn’t wake up like this. However, Kevin Horan saw the potential in these barnyard babes, and his portrait series Chattel brings much deserved attention to these good-looking goats. Pictures speak louder than words, and these are screaming “Flawless.”

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of kevinhoran.com

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of kevinhoran.com

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of kevinhoran.com

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of kevinhoran.com

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of kevinhoran.com

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of kevinhoran.com
Horan’s portrait series is another example of the way that cheesy inspiration is making an impact on the art world. Cheese and artwork make a perfect pairing, and turophiles everywhere have come up with all kinds of crazy ways for displaying their dedication to dairy. From nail art to tattoos, the outlets for cheese-related art is limitless!
Photo Credit: Featured image courtesy of thisiscolossal.com