Meadow Creek Dairy churns out some seriously awesome cheeses (some of which have even been our centerfold! Ahem, Mini…), but if you’ve ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes, Virginia blogger onioncloute recently interviewed cheesemaker Kat Feete. Check it all out by following the link below!
We began making cheese right before the artisanal cheese movement really took off, so we’ve been in a great position to watch as the American consumer grow into a taste for European-style and specialty cheeses. Our cheeses, too, have grown; Rick and Helen made several visits to Europe while building the new plant, getting the chance to taste many other cheeses and learning in particular an appreciation for affinage. Of course, as our cheeses matured, they moved gradually and naturally further from their European benchmarks — they are each their own, unique cheeses now, true American originals. Every year we try to make them better and better.
Photo by onioncloute