We would never imply that cheesemongers have an easy job; it can be back-breaking work to move those massive wheels, not to mention being a constant fountain of cheese information for newbies and experts alike. However, we must admit that the job seems to come with a few perks—European cheese trips, among them.
That’s just what a few lucky staffers at Formaggio Kitchen got to do, and they documented a their trip to visit Swiss cheesemakers on their blog. Among the stops were a Gruyère cheesemaker nestled in the Alpine Hills and a cheese cave in a converted WWII Swiss army fort (pictured above, with what looks to be a secret entrance).
It originally housed up to 300 men and was connected to other forts through underground passages. While others have tried to convert these forts, few have had the success that Bernard has. He has slowly transformed each room to hold distinct cheeses. The cave is not yet filled, there are numerous rooms and whole upper and lower levels that are still untouched.
Learn more about international cheeses, read about Italian cheeses, Norwegian brown cheese, or Montreal’s cheese culture. Or check out our travel page, where you can find cheesy hot spots in the US and abroad.
Photo by David Robinson