Firm cheeses like cheddar are always good candidates for shipping; Bleu Mont Bandaged Cheddar from Wisconsin or Montgomery’s Cheddar from England are great choices. An aged goat cheese, such as Pondhopperfrom Tumalo Farms in Oregon, has a lovely creamy texture but is sturdy enough to be shipped. And while it might seem risky, softer cheese like Cowgirl Creamery’s Mt Tam from California will survive shipping under the right conditions. With an insulated box, ice packs, and enough cushioning, soft-ripened cheeses travel just as well as the firmer types. Another thing to keep in mind: cheese should be shipped in the early part of the week and sent overnight or second-day mail so that it doesn’t sit in a warehouse over the weekend waiting to be delivered. Instead, the lucky recipient can spend the whole weekend enjoying a box of cheesy goodness.
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