December 10
Terra Madre Day
Slow Food’s birthday is celebrated worldwide—join in by attending a local event, hosting a communal meal, or visiting producers. Share the fun on social media using the hashtags #lovetheearth and #defendthefuture. slowfood.it/terra-madre-day
January 1
New Year’s Day
Resolving to adopt a new exercise routine? Discover how cheese boosts athletic performance at culturecheesemag.com/running.
January 11
National Milk Day
Celebrate with our favorite boozy milk punch. Find the recipe at culturecheesemag.com/milk-punch.
January 20
National Cheese Lover’s Day
Ever wonder why so many days in the annual calendar are devoted to wedges and wheels? Melt for more cheesy holidays at culturecheesemag.com/cheese-holidays
January 20
Isthmus Beer and Cheese Fest, Madison, Wis.
Dozens of vendors and hundreds of guests emerge from midwinter hibernation to sample cheeses and libations, take classes, and dance at a silent disco at this Midwest bash. isthmusbeercheese.com
January 21
CheesemongerInvitational, San Francisco
The nation’s best mongers go head-to-head in a competition showcasing myriad skills, from pristine wrapping to imaginative pairing. cheesemongerinvitational.com
February 22–24
La Fête des Fromages d’Ici, Montreal, Canada
Certain Canadian cheeses are elusive stateside; travel to this annual Quebecois festival to snag your next poutine’s missing puzzle piece. montrealenlumiere.com
February 24–March 4
Salon de l’Agriculture, Paris, France
One of the world’s largest agricultural shows, this Parisian event is a bucket-list stop for food lovers and heritage-breed enthusiasts. Be sure to snap a selfie with Fine, a petite Bretonne Pie Noir, this year’s mascot dairy cow. salon-agriculture.com