Happy days, cheese lovers! If you’re like me, you’re getting ready for the marathon tomorrow. Lots of stretching and preparation go into an event like this. Years of honing in on both speed and endurance. But of course, I would never actually run in the Boston Marathon, no. I’m talking about my favorite past time of eating massive amounts of cheese-laden foods while watching others exercise. What could be more patriotic than that? You in?
Here’s what you might have missed this week:
- Why is the American South obsessed with Arroz Con Pollo? Oh, right. Cheese.
- The USDA recommends avoiding pizza and cheeseburgers, but also funds efforts to sell more cheese-packed fast food items to save the dairy industry. I smell a cheespiracy on the Hill.
- Can cheese save Wisconsin dairy farmers? These brothers are reopening their cheese factory to get more milk moo-ving.
- If you’re looking for recipe ideas for that cheese-eating marathon I was talking about, check out this one for Baby Got Mac.
- Sure, Iceland has some decent mountains and outdoorsy things going for it. But have you heard of Skyr?! This yogurt-like Icelandic treat is hitting it big in the states and it’s worth the hype.
- With the help of a Harvard microbiologist, Jasper Hill Farm is taking “local” to a whole new level.
- Thank you casein for all you do for us – meet the wonder protein that makes cheese so stretchy.
- Do gouda and Gose make a good pairing? What about something hoppy with Halloumi? This beer and cheese pairing guide has all the answers.
- An Arizona mom served her child weed mac and cheese… Not quite severe enough for the High Court, but we know who is definitely not winning the mom of the year award.
- Manhattan mice have evolved into cheese-fries-eating city slickers and cockroaches on the upper east and west side have evolved into different subspecies. That’s got to be a metaphor for something…
- British cheese is now a status symbol in the United States and Japan. So when you’re hangin’ with Sherlock and you’ve got the Queen coming over, impress them with platters of the UK’s own gorgeous cheeses.
- This dude has been writing about cheese for over 35 years. Thanks for spreading the word on curd for so long, Raymond Hook!
- A little shop up in Petoskey, Michigan is moving to a bigger space! Donate to their kick starter to support the cause.
- How extreme is America’s love for cheese? Well apparently, we’d move towns for it and even give up coffee for it. That’s true love.
- Fondue may be helping Brits bridge troubled waters and stay connected to their EU frenemies after Brexit.