A lot has been going on around us in the past couple of weeks, and we at culture refuse to stay silent. We stand in solidarity with all those who are bravely fighting for justice and equality; Everyone has a responsibility to acknowledge and act in response to the senseless violence perpetrated against BIPOC—today and every day.
Want to join us in amplifying these communities? Check out our roundup of Black-owned food and drink businesses that could use your support, and refer to this helpful list of resources to further your knowledge on the topics of race and systemic oppression.
In other cheese news:
- The Cheese Book Fund is raising money to provide free educational cheese-centric literature for mongers and restaurant workers, prioritizing BIPOC who are interested in learning more about the industry. Spread the word and consider donating to the cause here.
- Happy Pride! Even though we can’t celebrate together in person this year, we can still show the LGBTQ+ community some extra love. We rounded up a list of queer-owned businesses offering COVID-friendly purchasing options that you can support all Pride Month long.
- Our Summer issue—featuring cheesy ice cream, camel’s milk feta, and cheesy seafood recipes, among other hot topics—has arrived! Check out the table of contents here, then order your issue from our online shop.
- Some good news for turophiles in the midst of the pandemic: Certain scientists are saying that Vitamin K, present in lots of Dutch and French cheeses, could be an important factor in fighting COVID-19. These are only initial scientific findings—but even if they turn out to be false, Vitamin K is still an important nutrient to maintain a healthy lifestyle. (And we’re here for any excuse to eat more cheese.)
- A cheesemaking family in France somehow managed to accidentally create a brand-new cheese during lockdown. They forgot their usual Munster cheese in the cellar, and what they found months later was something that leaned more toward Camembert. Who knew lockdown could inspire such a cheesy miracle?