direct sales FAQs | culture: the word on cheese
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direct sales FAQs

Hundreds of retailers carry culture at the cheese counter or at the register via our direct sales program.

If you’d like to purchase magazines directly from us, here’s what you need to know:


  • $5 per copy direct / $9.95 cover price
  • Available in increments of 5
  • Invoices are issued at time of shipment
  • Shipping is free



  • Culture is a quarterly publication: March, June, September and December (spring/summer/fall/winter) with two special issues in the spring (April) and fall (October).
  • You will receive a confirmation email with quantities before each print run: if you wish to change the number of issues in your order, please respond with your adjustments.
  • Some retailers sell past issues alongside current ones, singly or in box sets—contact Bill for back issue availability.
  • You can re-order the current issue or back issues at any time.

Store Promotion:

  • Culture provides a custom display stand at no charge, which fits snugly onto your countertop
  • Cheese retailers that sell the magazine will be highlighted in our Retailers Directory at the back of the magazine as well as on the website.
  • Culture staff are available for in-store promotions and events on a limited basis—contact Bill to inquire.

Other Sources:

  • Culture is also available through distributors Cheese WorksSeacrestFood Matters Again and Tomales Bay Foods.
  • When buying from distributors, there is no minimum order and the cost is the same as getting it directly from us.
  • Retailers with newsstand relationships can order the magazine through CMG.

To place an order, please email Bill with the number of copies you would like (in increments of 5) and if you would like a counter top display stand.

Thank you!

Bill Springer
(978) 382-8686

One thought on “direct sales FAQs”

  1. Hello Lassa,
    I would be very interested in carrying Culture magazine at our shop. Could you please advise on setting me up for direct sales. (Am already an at-home subscriber).
    Question… would the free shipping also apply to Canada?
    Will await your consideration and directions.
    Thanks so much!

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