cheese community Archives | culture: the word on cheese
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bellwether farms

Cheese Community: Bellwether Farms’ Grant For Wine Counties

The Foundation is matching $25,000 in donations for up to $50,000 that will go directly to organizations aiding local communities through food donations and other support.

cheese community

Cheese Community: Jessica Little, Sweet Grass Dairy, Georgia

Thomasville, Georgia-based Sweet Grass Dairy joined hands with members of the cheese community to help victims of Hurricane Harvey

cheese community

Cheese Community: Mexico Distributor Donates Stock For Relief Workers

A Mexico City cheese distributor and her staff empty their warehouse to donate the stock for meals for first responders.

cheese community

Cheese Community: Adrianne Mingea, Murray’s Cheese

This artisan cheese story comes from Adrianne Mingea, who lives in Houston and works on the National Team for Murray’s Cheese.