dairy cows Archives | culture: the word on cheese
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Cows and Carbon: How a Pinch of Seaweed a Day could Keep the Methane Away

Cows enjoying seaweed feed at Straus Dairy Farms Cows produce a ton of methane, a fact that weighs heavy on the dairy industry’s tortured brow. The greenhouse gas is the second largest contributor to climate change after carbon dioxide, and cows can’t help but release a huge percentage of the global output. Farmers have gotten […]

In Queso You Missed It July 15th

Photo Credit Cheese Sex Death Happy Sunday morning, cheese friends. We bet you’re busy gearing up for the World Cup Final today. Who will take it all?! France? Croatia? Do we really care as long as we have an amazing charcuterie platter to munch on? Not really. But we’re partial to France because, I mean, […]