Amy Engle for culture: the word on cheese
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Animal columnist Amy Engle lives in New Mexico, where she writes poetry and contributes to various niche magazines.

An Ayrshire cow stands before an idyllic valley vista.

Ayrshire Cattle

Scotland’s famed breed is prized for its beauty and practicality

A Great Pyrenees Dog strides away from his flock, which is munching on some hillside grass at sunset.

Great Pyrenees Dogs

Meet the dog breed that protects the flock at many sheep dairies

Farm Animal: LaMancha Goats

Origin LaMancha goats are easy to recognize, what with those cute little ears, but the exact origin of the breed is not easily traceable. The La Mancha region of south-central Spain seems the most likely source of what we know today as the American LaMancha. Although shepherds in this region had no official name for […]

Three yak (two black, one tan) graze on a grassy plain

Domestic Yak

The domestic yak is one of the bovine family’s most ancient members, and produces rich, cream-heavy milk for making butter, yogurt, and dried smoked cheese