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Eilis Maynard is the former web editor and social media manager for culture: the word on cheese. She is currently the digital communications lead at FEMA Region I in Boston where she is responsible for social media, web, and intranet content.

Cheese Paper

Cheese paper allows cheeses to breathe, protecting their moisture and preventing adverse mold growth. Fifteen 11″ x 14″ sheets and included adhesive labels are available at Formaticum and Amazon for $9.

Cheese Planer

Used to shave tasting samples of cheese and to remove surface mold from cut ends. Various colors available at Boska and Amazon for $16.99.

Cheese Safe

In temperate climates, this attractive mesh-sided container is ideal for storing firm-textured cheeses at room temperature for a couple of days. The mesh keeps pesky critters away while allowing the cheese to breathe. Set the safe in a cool, dry place and your cheese will be ready to serve at a moment’s notice. Buy from […]

Cheese Trier/Cheese Iron

This tool is designed to extract a core cheese sample without having to cut open a whole wheel of potentially unfinished cheese. It’s valuable for cheese aging. Triers range from 7–16 inches, starting at $169.58 from Nelson Jameson.

Double-handled cheese knife

A heavy-duty knife like this is ideal for hard cheeses, as the two handles allow the cheesemonger to use extra leverage and balanced pressure. A 12″ knife and a 14″ knife are available from Cutlery and More and Amazon for $129.95 and $149.95, respectively.

Double-handled Gouda knife

The curved blade and double handles on this knife make it possible for a cheesemonger to cleave a large, hard-textured wheel of cheese using a slight rocking motion. The larger knife is available at Amazon and Boska for $49.99.

Offset Knife

Offset knife allows the blade to come down through the cheese ahead of the handle, sidestepping the frustration of an incomplete cut, especially with a soft cheese. This Wusthof knife is available from Amazon and Cutlery and More for $44.95.

Open-Faced Cheese Knife

The minimal surface area on this blade means no sticking when cutting through a soft cheese, and the pronged point makes it easy to pick up slices. This knife is available from both Amazon and Knife Center for $15.

Roquefort Bow

A cheese “bow” is made specifically for cutting messy, softer-textured cheeses, such as Roquefort. Available for $23 from Cheese Making Shop.

Two-Handled Cheese Wire

Designed for cutting very large wheels of cheese, this tool is especially helpful with hard, densely textured wheels. Wire comes in a variety of lengths, starting at $5 for 18 inches from Amazon.