Virginia Hyde
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Articles written by Virginia Hyde

Virginia Hyde is a southern girl at heart who just moved to Boston to submerge herself in food - mainly cheese, to be honest. Game for any food-related adventure, festival, or gathering, she is ready to share her passion for cheese with others. Virginia is currently working on a Masters in Gastronomy at Boston University.

clean your cheese board

How to Clean Your Cheese Board

Cheese boards aren’t cheap — here’s how to clean and protect your board for the long haul

The Englishman’s Guide to Making Cheese in Japan

Find out how an English gentleman brought a vibrant cheese culture to Okinawa, Japan.

The Most Expensive Sandwich Ever

Ever wonder what the most expensive sandwich could have in it? Check out a $214 sandwich here!

A Tale of Two Libraries

Wikipedia’s trying to catch up with culture’s Cheese Library with WikiCheese (which, right on!)

raclette grill

Raclette Will Melt Your Heart Away

Go out and have the best time with this marvelous melted cheese tradition

American Cheese

Regional Cheese Cuisine: Conclusion

The Regional Cheese Cuisine blog series is wrapping up, comment today for a chance to win a free issue of culture and to share your favorite regional cheese

Regional Cheese Cuisine: Monterey Jack

This week on Regional Cheese Cuisine we head to our final destination, the Pacific West to take a look at the ever popular, ever melty and gooey Monterey Jack

Hot Chocolate and Cheese

Cheese and Chocolate: two perfects foods together at last?