Some people hate Twitter. Some people think that it’s just a dumbed-down Facebook. Some people think that it’s another useless social media tool that does nothing more than send annoying push notifications.
I am not some people. I love Twitter. Sometimes, Facebook can get a little overwhelming, what with all the ads and links to build a better body, separated only by an alarmingly high number of engagement announcements. Sometimes I don’t want to see selfies that my old camp counselor took with the corner of Garth Brooks’s head. Sometimes all I want to do is read a funny (AND SHORT) remark from my roommate about what happened to them when getting on the subway today.
What’s great about Twitter is that it takes a lot more talent to have a great Twitter account than a great Facebook page. For one, you only have 140 characters to make an impact on your audience, and due to the style of Twitter’s interface, making your tweet stand out amongst the sea of other tweets takes real skill. However, just like any other social media platform, there are great Twitter accounts and there are awful Twitter accounts. To save you the trouble, we’ve compiled a list of nine of our favorite Twitter accounts that center around cheese (along with one that doesn’t, but is an absolute must read for any foodie.)
The British Cheese Board has the perfect Twitter account for those who love a good Stilton or Wensleydale—but if you’re a newbie to British cheeses, have no fear! The BCB is just as passionate about teaching people as it is about British cheese itself. If you like their Twitter page, check them out at britishcheese.com.
For those of you who are looking for a little more mac and cheese in your life, the Mac & Cheese Chick is your woman. Not only does she have a mouth-watering blog completely dedicated to everyone’s favorite comfort food (http://macandcheesechick.com/), but her Twitter page is basically a gold mine of macaroni and cheese recipes.
Liz’s story is the kind that we at culture love to hear: a Yale graduate who worked in a cubicle for years leaves it all behind for a job in a cheese shop. Now an authority on cheese, Liz’s Twitter is filled with cheese facts, along with spotlights of some of her favorite cheeses from around the world. Plus, it’s always great to hear about someone doing well at what they really love. http://www.lizthorpe.com/
To be fair, some of these jokes are bad. Like really, really bad. But that’s what makes them so gosh darn hilarious. Cheese Jokes has all your favorite cheese humor under one account: puns, knock-knock jokes, riddles, and the occasional user-submitted joke. My personal favorite is the pinned tweet at the top of the page: “Frankly my leer, I don’t give Edam”.
Madame Fromage is a food blogger from Philly who has a been a friend of culture for years. Her page is a playground for cheese lovers, filled with recipes, facts, and mouth-watering photos of all things cheese. If you like her Twitter, make sure to check out her blog. http://madamefromageblog.com/
For those of you who have ever thought, “Hmm, I wonder what my slice of pizza is thinking right now,” then this twitter account is here to save you from your strange thoughts that you should probably keep to yourself. For this one, I suggest filtering the tweets to just ones created by the account, as Pizza tends to retweet a lot of stuff that’s fairly irrelevant to pizza.
For this one, the name speaks for itself. All Things Cheese is an account that features just that: all things cheese. From recipes to reviews, this page is a treasure trove of cheesy goodness. allthingscheese.com
You really didn’t think we’d make a list of Twitter accounts and not include ourselves, did you? In all honesty, our Twitter page is a great resource for cheese lovers of all kinds. Whether you like cheese facts, giveaways, or recipes, our Twitter page has it, so check it out!
This parody account of everyone’s favorite Contessa is what dreams are made of. Read it until your eyes get sore. Your laugh-box will thank you.
Feature Photo Credit: “KIEV, UKRAINE – JANUARY 16, 2015: Hand holds twitter…” by rvlsoft | Shutterstock