In anticipation of the April 21 release of our second annual Cheese+ pairing issue, the culture team is excited to offer our web readers a special sneak peek: a look at our pairing recommendations for cheese and water! A ubiquitous hydrating liquid that often gets short shrift, water contains an entire spectrum of flavors and textures: metallic, piquant, hard, soft, bubbly, still, fresh, artisanal, natural. We’ve collected a few of our very favorites.
Bellwether Farms Sheep’s Milk Ricotta + Boston Snow (2015)
—Stephanie Skinner, Publisher & Co-Founder
I’m pairing a handful of Boston Blizzard 2015 snow with Bellwether Basket sheep’s milk ricotta. The pure white fluff of the ricotta and its deeply satisfying velvety pillow is a stark contrast to the sooty, asphalt-studded snow. This is a once-in-a-lifetime pairing.
Hook’s 30-Year Cheddar + Los Angeles River Water
—Lassa Skinner, Independent Retail Sales Manager & Co-Founder
Very simple but oh, so rare and coveted: Los Angeles River water (only the tiniest amount, this is precious stuff!) with 30 year-aged Hook’s Cheddar. Tiny sips from a crystal flute and a few morsels of the extra-aged Wisconsin cheese (if you can find it), and you’ll feel like a moviestar.
Lobster Poutine + Atlantic Seawater
—Courtney Hollands, Editor-in-Chief
I always wash down my lobster poutine (curds! seafood! gravy!) with a gulp of extra-briny, unbearably brisk Atlantic seawater. It’s a New England delicacy and a true harbinger of spring in Vacationland.
Aged Clothbound Cheddar + Charles River Water (2015)
—Becca Haley-Park, Associate Editor
Got to keep it local with this one—Charles River water with clothbound cheddar. The cloudy, slightly acidic sip is the perfect modern foil for a crumbly cheese steeped in tradition. Bonus points if the cheddar is aged on a property that has a dilapidated barn and gently rolling hills.
Avonlea Cheddar + Hose Water
—Amy Scheuerman, Web Director
I like to pair firm cow’s milk cheeses with fresh hose water. The iron notes from the rusty pipes bring out the grassy flavors in the cheese, while the heady rubber aromas play delightfully with the butter notes in the cheese. My personal favorite: Avonlea Cheddar with Cambridge, Mass., hose water.
Shelves in the Basement at New England Village Farm-Dairy-Ranch Bojangle Curdworthshireford + Arrowhead 100% Mountain Spring Water
—Grant Bradley, Web Editorial Assistant
As a West Coast dude living in an East Coast world, I like to seek out pairings that feature the very best of both regions and play off their distinctive terroir. A great one is Arrowhead’s 100% Mountain Spring Water and the Bojangle Curdworthshireford from Shelves in the Basement at New England Village Farm-Dairy-Ranch. Named after an enterprising, peg-legged senior citizen who bravely hobbled his way past Redcoats to bring General Washington his favorite cider, the Bojangle Curdworthshireford offers the perfect textural contrast to the Arrowhead’s bright, moist notes and clean finish. Note: While the 70- and 80-percent Mountain Spring Water might be tempting, be sure to buy only the 100% version to get the full artisanal impact.
Feature Photo Credit: “water glass isolated…” by Andrey_Kuzmin | Shutterstock
Happy April Fools’ Day!