"Sports Cheeses" on Tumblr | culture: the word on cheese
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“Sports Cheeses” on Tumblr

Who says fitness and cheese can’t coexist? The Sports Cheeses Tumblr proves they can, cleverly altering the well-known sport brand logos of Reebok, Nike, K-Swiss, and more to include some dairy action. Oh, does the blog look familiar? That’s probably because it’s a throwback to the Windows 98 homescreen. Nostalgiaand cheese jokes? We’re hooked.

 bRiebok cheese logo from Tumblr

See more at Sports Cheeses

Rebecca Haley-Park

Rebecca Haley-Park is culture's former editor and resident stinky cheese cheerleader. A native New Englander, she holds a BFA in creative writing from University of Maine at Farmington.