Maestro del Formaggio | culture: the word on cheese
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Maestro del Formaggio

Guffanti Formaggi's cheese master smiles genially in a close up

Ivano Bellodi, cheese master for Italian cheese company Guffanti Formaggi, reflects on the enduring magic of opening Parmigiano Reggiano.

The cheese master sizes up an enormous wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano

La conoscenza dei principi basilari delle forze e delle tensioni che sopravvengono nei diversi prodotti, il corretto utilizzo degli attrezzi, la buona metodologia per affrontare questo atto tecnico…

“Knowing the fundamental forces and principles that come together in different products, the expert use of tools, and the skillful way to approach this work…”

Making the first incision into the wheel of cheese

Tackling the cheese with a longer knife

…mi permette di vedere questo momento—l’apertura della forma di formaggio – come un momento magico, quasi di sorpresa—qual fosse uno scrigno pieno di tesori…

“…allows me to see this moment—the opening of the cheese form—like a magical moment, one of surprise, like opening a full coffer of treasures…”

Throws his weight into his cutting knife

Evaluating the sheared half of the wheel

Piercing the upturned half-wheel of cheese

…e altrettanto sentire con la punta del coltello con cui stai operando qual fosse un prolungamento del tuo braccio, che sei entrato in simbiosi con il formaggio è, per me, sempre attimo di grande gioia e di grande meraviglia.

“…and equally to feel operating with the tip of the knife, which is an extension of the arm, that I have entered in symbiosis with the cheese is, for me, always a moment of great joy and great wonder.”

A sliced quarter of the cheese

Several wedges of the cheese

Photographer Wil Edwards

Wil Edwards is a writer, photographer, and currently a Culinary Initiative Coordinator at the Manhattan-based nonprofit Fedcap. He lives in Providence, Rhode Island.