You might call it a cheese insurgency. But really it’s more like a pilgrimage. Every other year, the Slow Food Cheese Festival in Bra, Italy, brings cheese devotees from around the world to its cobbled stradas. Here are some faces in the crowd.
Alfonso Alvarez Valera (Tembleque, Spain)
cheese: Manchego
Bramante Corbo & Roberto Sansone (Barisciano, Italy)
cheese: Pecorino
Eddie Mukundi (Kapenguria, Kenya)
cow’s milk yogurt
Giandomenico Negro (Bubbio, Italy)
cheese: Robiola di Roccaverano
Affineur Girogio Cravero & Giacomo Cravero (Bra, Italy)
Cecilia Istrate (Fundata, Romania)
cheese: Brânză de Burduf
Affineurs: (l-r) Carlo Fiore (Arona, Italy), Randolph Hodgson (London, England), Herve Mons (Saint-Haon-le-Châtel, France)
Cheesemaker Fabio Graseselli (Stagno Lombardo, Italy)
Wotjek Komperda (Malopolskie, Poland)
cheese: Oscypek
Miroslav Glogovac & Anto Filipovichere (Bosnia Herzegovina)
(l-r) James Montgomery, Richard Calver, & Tom Calver
(Somerset, England)
cheeses: Montgomery & Westcombe Cheddar
Adrien Lahitette (Ledeuix, France)
cheese: Tomme de Chèvre
(l-r) Peggy Smith (Point Reyes, Calif.), David Gremmels & Cary Bryant (Central Point, Ore.), Allison Hooper (Websterville, Vt.)
(l-r) Niccolo Brambilla (Roanne, France), Katy Gunn (London, England), Mario Marini (Arona, Italy)