Shop Talk: The Gourmet Cellar | culture: the word on cheese
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Shop Talk: The Gourmet Cellar

Known as one of the gateways to Yellowstone National Park, Livingston, Mont., serves as a last stop for fisherfolk and adventurers. An avid fisherwoman herself, Debbie Endres moved here in 2004 to fulfill a lifelong dream of opening a wine shop—and thus the Gourmet Cellar was born. Now located in an old baggage building at a historic railroad center, the Gourmet Cellar serves as a waystation for those embarking on outdoor adventures as well as a spot to sip wine and enjoy live music afterward. 

Endres, an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, was sure to include cut-to-order cheese in the store. Not only does that ensure freshness, but it also provides an opportunity to cut a sample and hand it to a customer standing in line. “Some people come in and always buy the same type of cheese. I’m always trying to turn them on to something more exciting,” Endres says. “Well, something I consider more exciting, anyway.”

culture:  How do you unwind after a day of outdoor adventures?

Debbie Endres: Après fishing—or whenever I don’t have time to cook—I grill some vegetables and serve them with some sliced meats, burrata, and bread. And, of course, a bottle of rosé. 

culture:  What’s your favorite cheese right now?

DE: One of my favorites is Kunik from Nettle Meadow. It’s a triple cream made from goat’s milk, and it is so good. 

culture:  What’s your favorite snack to bring fly fishing?

DE: I always bring cheese and rosé. I fish in style. All these fishermen come in here and invite me along, and they go, “We’re taking you every time!” because I always bring cheese and wine.

208 W. Park St. 
Livingston, MT  

Tues.Fri10:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. 
Sat. 10:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.

Photography by Jon Dodson.

Madeline Upson

A longtime lover of cheese and wine nights, Madeline finally got to use her love of cheese as former Editorial Assistant at Culture Magazine.

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