In Queso You Missed It: Feb. 12, 2023
In queso you missed it, here’s a round up of cheese news from the last two weeks.
In Queso You Missed It: January 29, 2023
How to get paid to eat cheese, the return of Counter Culture Live, why you should be eating American cheese, and all the other cheese news you may have missed.
In Queso You Missed It: July 3, 2022
Like many of us, Cheese for the Culture columnist Agela Abdullah will be heading to Portland, Oregon, for the ACS Conference next month. “While I’m excited about the conference I have to admit that I’m nervous about being in Portland. Oregon has a long history of racial prejudices that start with the founding of the state, and continue today […]
In Queso You Missed It: June 26, 2022
We’ve never doubted that cheese has the power to change lives, but if you want more evidence, a former cheesemaker shared with Bon Appetit how watching milk transform into cheddar helped them realize they were trans. “I spent four years immersed in cheddaring, my life revolving around transformation. And it was there on the production […]
Voicings: Alison Roman
Alison Roman is the no-nonsense, anchovy-loving, red-nail-polish-wearing, cool New Yorker friend we all wish we had. In early 2018 she gave us #TheCookies (a.k.a. Salted Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies), the “less chocolate chip cookie, more brown sugar shortbread with chocolate chunks” that went viral almost immediately. She’s crafted memorable cheesy dishes for Bon Appétit and […]
In Queso You Missed It April 29th
Hello cheese friends and happy Sunday! We’re rounding out National Grilled Cheese Month with a week’s worth of mouth-watering cheese news for you, including Bon Appetit’s tasty spread of Cheese Week tidbits. Enjoy, and don’t forget to treat yourself to a cheese plate… or three! Here’s what you might have missed this week: Do yourself […]