Ask the Monger: How Long Can Cheese Sit Out of the Fridge?
How long can cheese sit out of refrigeration? Awesome question! It’s one I get a lot at the counter, especially in the summertime. Unfortunately, there isn’t one simple answer: It all depends on the cheese. Generally speaking, those with a higher moisture content like fresh cheeses, soft cheeses, or anything especially squishy don’t do as […]
Ask the Monger: What Happens When You Store Cheese in Plastic Wrap?
What happens when you store cheese in plastic wrap? Good question! This is a hotly debated topic, and everyone has an opinion. I welcome the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the complexities of the answer.The effect that plastic wrap has on cheese varies depending on the type of cheese. The rind is the most […]
Top 5 Tips Every Cheese Lover Should Know
The following five best practices will ensure that your lifelong cheese quest is quite enjoyable.
Ask the Monger: Is the Mold Growing on My Cheese Dangerous?
Got moldy cheese? Eataly Cheesemonger Yahn Van de Walle explains why you shouldn’t worry about it.