dairy farming Archives | culture: the word on cheese
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For Locally Sourced Pizza, Head To A Farm

Written by Kristine Hansen Photos courtesy of Millsap Farms It’s no secret that autumn is harvest time for vegetables. But in Wisconsin and other states where farming is a way of life, it’s also when some farms host pizza nights where ingredients, including cheese, and even the flour to make the pizza dough is sourced […]

Cows and Carbon: How a Pinch of Seaweed a Day could Keep the Methane Away

Cows enjoying seaweed feed at Straus Dairy Farms Cows produce a ton of methane, a fact that weighs heavy on the dairy industry’s tortured brow. The greenhouse gas is the second largest contributor to climate change after carbon dioxide, and cows can’t help but release a huge percentage of the global output. Farmers have gotten […]