Mary’s Dairy Diary April 2013
The end of our long winter? The bitter sting in the winter’s tail last month makes the sweet weather of April all the more gorgeous. The late spring has the plants seem prescient – primroses, bluebells, blackthorn seemed to hold back their flowering, waiting till after the frost, only to come with a rush when […]
Mary’s Dairy Diary February 2013
February has a reputation for being wet and gloomy. I long for it not be that way, and grasp at the lighter mornings and evenings. The sun does more than scrape itself off the horizon. The morning chorus of songbirds kicked off earlier in the season than I remember. I know it’s birds defending territory, […]
Mary’s Dairy Diary January 2013
The days slowly lengthen, the sun creeps a little higher at noon and wider at dawn and dusk. The dark mornings have me slow to wake, the dark evenings tricksy – is it six or midnight? I drove my car one dark evening along a lane, came to water over the road. In the dark […]
American Cheese: Carr Valley Cheese
With over 600 varieties of cheese produced in Wisconsin, one maker stands out from the rest: Carr Valley Cheese
American Cheese: Consider Bardwell Farm
With over 40 artisanal cheesemakers, Vermont has the highest cheesemakers per capita in the US, and Consider Bardwell exemplifies the region’s cheesemaking
American Cheese: Goat Lady Dairy
Nestled in the Piedmont region lies Goat Lady Dairy, a bustling farm that happens to make award-winning farmstead goat cheese
American Cheese: Mozzarella Company
The most challenging part of opening the Mozzarella Company was selling the cheese, since the southwest market was unfamiliar with fresh mozzarella in the 80’s
American Cheese: Rogue Creamery
With support from Oregon State University’s food science and technology program, dairy farmers, and Oregon’s Department of Agriculture, Rogue sits at the top of Oregon cheese
American Cheese: Cowgirl Creamery
Coupled with a picturesque setting and great cheese, Cowgirl Creamery serves as the standard for artisanal cheese in California