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Articles written by Johnisha Levi

Johnisha Levi is a Boston-area pastry cook and one of those very rare (think Pegasus) D.C. natives. If ithere's a documentary on food or true crime, chances are that she's seen it (or it's waiting in her Netflix queue). She's a culinary history nerd who is eager to spend her summer at culture learning more about cheese.

Got Milk? Vermont & Nova Scotia Have Too Much!

Excess skim milk is being dumped into manure pits. Excuse me?

Crazy for Kulfi

An NYC restaurant trots out this frozen Indian treat in style.

Hot Dog Pizza Primer!

Someone somewhere was convinced that this was a good idea. Hmmm…

Welcome to Forbidden Fromage

Because you can’t always get what you want.

Join us at the Vermont Cheesemakers Festival

What happens in Vermont, stays in Vermont. But nothing ever happens… except cheese!

A Dairy Thickener with Probiotic Powers

Ropy 352 might be the next super hero of the commercial food industry.

Sweet Dreams are Made of This (Gelato)

Gelato caldo, or hot gelato, is a mind-bending import that may be just the thing for ice cream head ache sufferers.

“Magic Cheese” Trial Begins in France

Will the woman who allegedly ran one of the biggest pyramid schemes in Chilean history finally get her cheesy comeuppance?