Each week we scan our Facebook and Twitter pages for photos submitted by our fans. For your chance to be featured on our blog and win an issue of the magazine, post a delicious, cheesy image to facebook.com/culturecheesemag or twitter.com/culturecheese tagged with #culturefanphoto.
This week’s fan photo winner is Piemonte Farm, who shared their photo of a Gorgonzola-inspired blue. The Burlington, North Carolina-based farm sells artisan breads, fresh eggs, honeys, jams, and of course, their own aged cheeses. Their Burlington Blue uses the “two curd” method, allowing the first curd to hang overnight before adding the second curd the next morning.
Congrats, Piemonte Farm! Look for your free issue in the mail. Keep on cheesin’!
Feature photo by ulterior epicure via Compfight