March 5 is National Cheese Doodle Day, and while many of us have gleefully popped the airy puffs of orange cheddary goodness for hours on end, rarely have we taken a moment to pay our respects to this truly ingenious medium of cheese. I mean, just take a look at this guy:

Close-up of a cheese doodle via Shutterstock
In honor of the eminently munchable snack, we’re asking you to put up a literal cheese doodle—a quick drawing or illustration—of your favorite cheesy food and upload it with hashtag #culturecheesdoodle to Facebook or Twitter. We’ll reward the best with a year subscription to culture! The contest runs from today through March 5, so get drawing!
Fine Print: All entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. EST on March 16 to be eligible. Three entries will win a year’s subscription to culture: the word on cheese starting with our Summer 2015 issue.
Feature Photo Credit: Hand-drawn illustrations of hunks of cheese courtesy of Macrovector via Shutterstock