When it comes to the world of cheese, there’s a lot to learn. Which rinds are safe to eat? How should I store wedges at home? What’s the deal with lactose in cheese? We’ve collected all your burning questions—the most commonly searched for on our site—in one place, for your curious convenience. Bookmark this page, share it with your friends, and check back often to learn more.
Have a cheese question you’d like answered? Let us know at editor@culturecheesemag.com.
Cheese Science
- What are cheese crystals?
- What’s the difference between Brie and Camembert?
- Are Brie rinds edible?
- Why don’t grilling cheeses like Halloumi melt?
- What makes a cheese “nutty”?
- What kinds of cheese can I ship in the mail?
- Why do cow’s milk, goat’s milk, and sheep’s milk cheeses taste different?
- Why do some cheeses smell like ammonia?
- Why does Swiss cheese have holes?
- What’s the difference between cheese and yogurt?
- What’s the deal with stinky cheese?
Cheese Nutrition
- How much is too much cheese?
- Are blue cheese allergies a thing?
- What are some good low-sodium cheeses?
- Does cheese have probiotics?
- What’s the deal with lactose in cheese?
Cheese DIY
- How should I store my cheese?
- How should I cut my cheese?
- How should I clean my cheese boards?
- How can I make squeaky cheese curds at home?
- How can I replace citric acid in a DIY cheese recipe?
- Why is my homemade mozzarella squeaky?
- How do I become a cheesemonger?
Cheese History
- Where did mac and cheese originate?
- Where did cheddar originate?
- Why are some cheeses coated in ash?