cheese pairings
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a bowl full of rye

Great 28: Cheese + Rye

Anyone for some aged gouda and a rye Manhattan?

alp blossom cheese served with rose jelly

Great 28: Cheese + Rose

Pair rose with cheese for a pairing blooming with floral flavor.

edible insects

Great 28: Cheese + Insects

A pairing for those who are most daring.


Great 28: Cheese + Digestifs

You’re going to want one of these digestif pairings after every meal.

cheese and matcha

Great 28: Cheese + Matcha

The grassy, earthy notes in both cheese and matcha live in perfect harmony.

5 Cheese-Friendly Wines to Always Have on Hand

Because you should always have the right bottle of wine on-hand for whatever is in your cheese drawer.

cheese and hops

Great 28: Cheese + Hops

Beer is hoppier than ever. There’s a hop for everyone—and a cheese to match.

cheese and octopus

Great 28: Cheese + Octopus

Cheese is an unexpected match for this meaty mollusk.