Bored with your usual bagel schmear? Liven up breakfast—or any meal, really—with Quark, a German-style spreadable cheese that stands in easily for sour cream, cream cheese, or ricotta. We think Hemme Brothers Creamery’s Quark is particularly divine. Fluffy, smooth, full of milky indulgence, and with a just-right hit of tang and salt, this version holds your attention.
Although Hemme Brothers have only been making cheese since 2016, the creamery has already earned high praise: Their Quark won first place in its category at the 2017 American Cheese Society Judging & Competition. Although cheese is a new endeavor for the Hemmes, dairy isn’t. The family has been in the industry for almost 20 years, raising cows that spend their days grazing on flavorful grasses and hay, and in a cheese as fresh and unprocessed as this, their commitment to milk shines.
Go light and refreshing by smearing this cheese on a slice of toast and top with sliced cucumbers and a grind of fresh pepper. For something that feels more like dessert—try with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of nuts and chopped dried fruit. Or, simply eat with a spoon. (We do!)