Apples I Have Eaten | culture: the word on cheese
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Apples I Have Eaten

applesApples I Have Eaten (Chronicle Books, 2010; $15) is an endearingly small, red-bound guide to the apples we can’t find in grocery stores. Curator Jonathan Gerken hunts for unique apples at farmers’ markets, at orchards, and through acquaintances, then captures images of the fruit before taking a bite. He collected 20-plus varieties—sweet, tart, and everything in between—over the course of one autumn and each is depicted life size with an image of both the whole fruit and its cross section. Intriguing species like Winter Red Flesh, Hidden Rose, and Black Twig pepper the wordless book, and make one yearn for autumn trips to the orchard and homemade apple pie.

You can find this book at Amazon.

Elaine Khosrova

Elaine Khorova is the original Editor-in-Chief of culture magazine and the current recipe writer extraordinaire. She resides in the Hudson Valley of New York where she is working on a book about the history of butter.