Ask the Monger: Why is Yogurt Not Considered Cheese?
They use the same ingredients and go through much of the same process. So when do cheese and yogurt diverge?
Ask the Monger: What Are the Health Benefits of Cheese?
Cheese is a delicious addition to any meal (or a snack), but did you know it’s also an excellent source of minerals, protein, and calories?
Ask the Monger: How Can I Gift Cheese?
Cheese expert Gianaclis Caldwell explains how to properly send cheeses in the mail.
Ask the Monger: Why Are Washed-Rind Cheeses Orange?
Ever wondered where washed-rind cheeses get their color? We have your answer.
Ask the Monger: What is Listeria?
Here’s what you need to know about Listeria, a large group of bacteria that’s sometimes found in soil, animal bedding, and areas on farms.
Ask the Monger: How Do I Learn to Taste Cheese Like An Expert?
How can I learn to taste cheese the way the experts do? Tasting doesn’t have to be formal or prescriptive—cheese is the great democratizer, that incredible distillation of dairy that anyone with taste buds (and lactose tolerance) can enjoy. The rules are simple: Taste often and taste deliberately. Start a journal or photo log of cheeses you taste and record your observations. While […]
Ask the Monger: How Long Can Cheese Sit Out of the Fridge?
How long can cheese sit out of refrigeration? Awesome question! It’s one I get a lot at the counter, especially in the summertime. Unfortunately, there isn’t one simple answer: It all depends on the cheese. Generally speaking, those with a higher moisture content like fresh cheeses, soft cheeses, or anything especially squishy don’t do as […]
Ask the Monger: What Happens When You Store Cheese in Plastic Wrap?
What happens when you store cheese in plastic wrap? Good question! This is a hotly debated topic, and everyone has an opinion. I welcome the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the complexities of the answer.The effect that plastic wrap has on cheese varies depending on the type of cheese. The rind is the most […]
Ask the Monger: Why is My Homemade Mozzarella Squeaky?
Claudia Lucero of Urban Cheese Craft tells us how to ensure the stretchiest homemade mozzarella every time.
Ask the Monger: Is the Mold Growing on My Cheese Dangerous?
Got moldy cheese? Eataly Cheesemonger Yahn Van de Walle explains why you shouldn’t worry about it.