Kristine Jannuzzi, Photographer Michael Harlan Turkell for culture: the word on cheese
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Michael Harlan Turkell, a once aspiring chef, now photographer, captures the inner workings of kitchens. As former photo editor of Edible Brooklyn and Edible Manhattan, his recurring BACK OF THE HOUSE series appeared in the magazines from 2006 – 2011. Michael’s been nominated for a James Beard Foundation Award in Visual Storytelling, included in 25 Under 25: Up-and-Coming American Photographers V2, (PowerHouse Books), received a Photo District News Photo Annual Award, and has had his photos printed in an array of publications, and cookbooks. Learn more about Michael at

Basil-topped pizza from Don Antonio by Starita

Family Pies: The Father-Daughter Team Behind NYC’s Don Antonio by Starita

Father-daughter team Roberto and Giorgia Caporuscio are Neapolitan pizza champions

Beecher's Smokey Blue Smashed Potatoes

Smokey Blue Smashed Potatoes

Beecher’s blue smashed potatoes come to life with the addition of colorful yams and earthy Smokey Blue cheese from Rogue Creamery

Beecher's Grilled Flagship, Tomato, and Basil Sandwich

Grilled Flagship, Tomato, and Basil Sandwich

This cheese-centric Grilled Flagship, Tomato, and Basil Sandwich is an original staple from the Beecher’s café in Seattle

Beecher's Handmade Cheese's Turkey Meatloaf Studded with Cheese Curds

Turkey Meatloaf Studded with Cheese Curds

This well-rounded, boldly flavored Turkey Meatloaf has a surprise inside: pockets of delicious melted cheese curds

Beecher's "World's Best" Mac 'n' Cheese

Beecher’s “World’s Best” Mac ‘n’ Cheese

On the menu since Beecher’s opened, the “World’s Best” mac ’n’ cheese has been lauded by fans across the country including Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey

Beecher's Breakfast Strata

Beecher’s Breakfast Strata

This breakfast strata by Kurt Dammeier of Beecher’s Handmade Cheese has everything a strata should: a crusty brown top, a creamy center, and savory, full flavors

The hands of Kurt Beecher Dammeier

Chef’s Dish: Kurt Beecher Dammeier

Champion of American Cheese Kurt Beecher Dammeier shares his take on comfort food classics

A German beer cellar filled with wooden barrels

Doppel Your Pleasure

Strong and belly-warming, doppelbock brews can be your best beer of the season