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In Queso You Missed It: February 9th

The 2020 Winter Cheesemonger Invitational took place in San Francisco a few weeks ago, where some of the best mongers from across the country competed in a day-long crash course in all things cheese, charcuterie, and mongering. A week later, our Editor-in-Chief wrote about her firsthand account of the event. Read it here, or check […]

Must Love Curds: Dating Apps as Cheese

Tinder: Kraft Shredded Mexican Cheese Blend This is your go-to grab for when you just need a cheese fix and can’t be bothered with nuance. Throw on some PJs, queue up “The Office,” and crush handfuls of the stuff straight out the bag, all while swiping through Tinder. You might doze off and wake up […]

My Day as a Judge at The Cheesemonger Invitational

Follow our editor-in-chief Madison as she experiences the magic and electricity of her first-ever Cheesemonger Invitational.

In Queso You Missed It: January 26

January 20th was National Cheese Lover’s Day—a.k.a. our favorite day of the year. If you tragically missed it (or want to keep the celebration going), check out our suggestions on how to seize this turophilic day.  In other cheese news: In the midst of the looming tariffs, some specialty wine and cheese shop owners have […]

In Queso You Missed It: January 12th

Happy New Year! It’s 2020, and we’re looking for ways to up our cheese game in the new decade.

Tariffs 101: EU cheeses take a hike

Here’s what you need to know about the Trump administration’s proposed EU tariff hike:  -In October 2019, the Trump administration imposed a 25% tax on EU imported goods, including textiles, cosmetics, spirits, wine, and cheese. -This tax hike is in response to a long-running dispute over EU subsidies for Europe-based Airbus, which affect American aircraft […]

Australia is burning, and so are their dairies

Australia is still being consumed by the worst wildfires it’s seen in decades, and staggering numbers of dairy animals and dairy farms are among the casualties. The country’s fire season started in late July–bushfires are typical in northern Australia from April to September due to the region’s climate. This season the blaze was accelerated by […]

In Queso You Missed It: December 29th

If you missed National Eggnog Day on the 24th, don’t worry—the holidays aren’t over just yet. Whip up a batch of this homemade boozy nog for your New Year’s party. Your guests will definitely thank you. In other cheese news: A scientific breakthrough will allow soundwaves to examine cheese ripeness without damaging the wheels themselves. […]

In Queso You Missed It: December 15

You might’ve missed National Ice Cream Day on December 13th—with this frigid weather, we don’t blame you. If you’re still in the mood for some ice cream (or just want to bookmark it for spring), check out our homemade Roquefort Honey Ice Cream recipe, which we think is the perfect combination of sweet and cheesy. […]

Comeback Kids: Consider Bardwell Farm Finds a New Whey Following Recall

Photo via Nothing strikes ice-cold fear into the hearts of dairy manufacturers quite like the L-word—we’re talking Listeria monocytogenes. An independent cheesemaker’s worst nightmare erupted in late September 2019 for Consider Bardwell Farm, when a routine inspection of the Vermont-based farm’s processing facilities yielded a positive test for listeria in a wheel of the […]